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quarta-feira, 13 de julho de 2016

Simple do it yourself web diyMinion Party #crafts #diyprojects #homerenovacion #remodeling #homeimprovement #renovation #diy @verefazer

Minion Party
         Hi friends,  this May my daughter celebrated her 10th birthday and though she had told me months back that she wanted a minion themed party, as her birthday drew near I was in no way prepared as I had house guests and was juggling too many things to be in a position to plan an elaborate theme party! So I told her we would have a simple birthday party like most other kids in our layout and not a themed one!
       My daughter reluctantly agreed and I sighed a breath of relief but it was short lived, as soon we had "we are not doing anything for my birthday this year!" from a saaad doe eyed little girl and which mother would not give in!
         I had just 2 evenings amidst cooking , shopping, cleaning and taking care of my guests to whizz up some Minion Theme Magic for my kiddo and here is what we managed!!
Homemade Minion
        My kiddo wanted a 3 D minion she could carry....ooooh boy kids can be soooo specific and demanding!  She had envisioned a complicated "hours of fun working with mom" kinda project like we did to make the  Mummy for her Egyptian theme party.
          Fortunately  the "Gods of creativity" and "Guardians of stressed out mothers" took pity on me and blessed me with a brainwave! I spied the  cushions/bolsters on our sofa and the yellow curtains in our hall and hey presto ....within minutes a Minion was born!
Pillow Minion
           Yeah these 3 D Minions were sooo easy to make....just wrap the curtain around the cushion/ pillow, tuck all the loose curtain ends in and pin in place with lots of  safety pins .Cut a strip of chart paper to make the eye band and add some glitter foam eyes!
do it yourself web diyMinion
         Our minions have the letter "P" instead of the official Minion G after my daughter's initial!
do it yourself web diyMinion Party
        We also made lots of huge capsule style minions by pasting colored chart paper on recycled cardboard cartons. Dont you just love the cute mouth my daughter drew on the little minion below!
do it yourself web diyMinion Party
           Our homemade Minion cake was a scrumptious chocolate cake with yellow and blue whipped cream- butter icing!! This was so easy as I had my mom to help me though I did have to make a mad dash to the local supermarket in the last minute to get the right biscuits for the eyes!! The cute red mouth is a candy!!
Minion Cake
My favorites and the hit of the party were our party favours.....little Minion Pens!
Minion Pens
We made around 50 of these Minions and  they were sooo easy and fun to make using foam .
Minion Party Favours
        My niece and daughter did most of the die cutting [ we used oval dies]...I just had to help hot glue the eyes and the Minions to strips of foam bands on the pen caps.
Minion Pens
The birthday girl hand drew all the cute smiles on the Minions and oooh was she proud of herself!
Minion Pens
         And that is the birthday girl with her Minions......and yeah  though we tried we couldn't get a  decent yellow birthday frock.....but as long as the birthday girl didn't mind all was good!
Minion Party
       Though this year's  birthday pales in comparison to all the elaborate props and decor we made for last year's  Frozen theme party  I am happy I could manage to keep the birthday girl happy!!
What do you think friends.....?

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