terça-feira, 18 de março de 2014

How to make a Weighing Balance #crafts #diyprojects #homerenovacion #remodeling #homeimprovement #renovation #diy @verefazer

Dear friends by now you must be used to occasional weird titled posts from me like “ How to make a Tooth model !!” Well you  guessed right its another school project.
Weighing Balance 1
Weighing balance

               Now my 7 year old [ in 2nd Standard] and is learning about measurements in Maths and had to make a homemade weighing balance.I was sorely tempted to let hubby take over this one as I felt quite challenged but it was so much easier than I thought as my kiddo herself gave me the ideas!!
Weighing Balance 4
Weighing balance
           My kiddo’s school is big on recycling and so we always  try to incorporate recycling into our school projects.We recycled some plastic containers into our “scales”.We punched holes on the plastic containers using  the cropadile big bite and to make the holes nice and strong I set eyelets into the punched holes
Weighing Balance 5
Weighing Balance
              We tied strong kite thread  to holes in the containers and tied it to the ends of the cloth hanger .I found that the easiest way to get the lengths of the scales the same was to adjust the lengths and then tape the threads at the hanger ends.
Weighing Balance 6
Weighing Balance
             We dressed up our weighing balance with ribbon and pattern paper and I even added a glittery foam bow + lots of pink and purple foam flowers.
Weighing Balance 7
Weighing Balance
                These days I tend to use foam more and more for school projects as foam can take a lot of”poking” and “exploring” by little hands and believe me my little one’s friends are experts at that !!
Weighing Balance 2
Weighing Balance
              Sticking paper to plastic is always a challenge and I used double sided tissue tape to stick the pattern paper to the outside of our plastic container scales and just rolled up a pattern paper and inserted it inside the containers as a pretty lining for our home renovation made weighing balance.
Weighing Balance 3
Weighing Balance
And here is my little girl proudly displaying her  utterly girlie homemade weighing balance
Do tell me how you liked our girly weighing balance.

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