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sábado, 23 de novembro de 2013

Rapunzel Pop up Card #crafts #diyprojects #homerenovacion #remodeling #homeimprovement #renovation #diy @verefazer

Rapunzel Pop up card
          Dear  friends  I am sure that every little girl [and the not so little ones too] who saw the Disney movie Tangled was enchanted by Rapunzel's character !
Sharing a Tangled theme pop up card I had made with a pop up tower and Rapunzel jumping down from the tower on to the waiting horse.
Princess Pop Up card 2
Princess Pop up card

I found the hero  Flynn Rider quite charming and had to add him dashing through the woods!
Used corrugated card and moonstone paper to make the grassy fields in the pop up scene
On closing this interactive card  the pop up tower goes absolutely flat and the card closes flat for mailing! The type of pop up in this card is called a cylindrical pop up and is rather tricky to execute so I wont subject you to a tutorial this time!! [Also I cant seem to find the website where I got the idea from]
Here are post on a home renovation made Rapunzel themed Cake and Rapunzel themed Birthday decor
Here are links to Pop up card tutorials
Here are links to more than 30 Card making tutorials

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