quinta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2012

Teachers Day Card and Bookmark #crafts #diyprojects #homerenovacion #remodeling #homeimprovement #renovation #diy @verefazer

Teachers Day Card
Teacher's Day card
As mentioned in my previous post this year we made quite a few teacher's day cards. All were waterfall cards. The pencil shape in the above picture is because we placed the bookmark atop our teacher's day card!
Teacher's Day card
As my friends would have correctly guessed this particular card was embellished entirely by my 6 year old!
Teacher's Day card
This card was made for her "Environmental sciences" teacher and my kiddo thought her teacher would love all the bugs since her teacher was forever teaching them about bugs! [Who am I to correct the logic of a 6 year old!!]
Teacher's Day card
I hope the poor teacher has the heart to smile at this lovingly made interactive card!
Teacher's Day card
Since the foam bugs had only eyes my little artist drew cheeky smiles for them!!
Teacher's Day card
I almost didnt post this thinking "ugh bugs" !! what do you guys say ??
Linking to Crafting for all seasons[for child/back to school]
Edited: Thank You so much DT of Crafting for all seasons for appreciating and featuring my little's one's crafty project!

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